However, comparatively speaking, the government has provided for a whole range of financing opportunities for people who want to run their own businesses or to expand their businesses to become more profitable. The Education and Training Unit for Democracy notes that an important part of the national small business strategy is therefore to create an enabling environment for entrepreneurs and small businesses to access finances. That means you can create business models that possible investors into your film products can trust and can believe in.
So here's the ETU list of some of the entities funding small businesses:

* Contractors Finance Corporation
* Business Partners (formerly the SBDC)
* Community Projects Funds - CPF-SP
* Development Bank of South Africa
* Industrial Development Corporation - (IDC)
* International Tourism Marketing Assistance Scheme - (ITMAS)
* Khula Credit Guarantee Scheme
* Khula Micro Credit Outlets
* Khula Retail Financial Intermediaries (RFIs)
* Khula Thuso Mentorship Scheme
* Sizanani Scheme
* Zimele
* FNB Momentum UYF Progress Fund
* Ithala Development Finance Corporation
* Khethani Business Finance (Khula RFI)
* KwaZulu-Natal Development Foundation
* Marang Financial Services
Let us know if you have any feedback.
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